
If you want to learn something, we’ll figure out how to teach you and/or give you the space and resources you need to learn.

Have a skill or expertise you want to share? Call, email, or come in and let us know!

Check out our calendar for specific dates and times!

Have something you want to learn, but you aren’t sure where to learn it? Come in!

You can come in on your own and use our donated resources, bring your own resources, or come to one of our classes.

Not sure where you start? Ask a librarian, and they will be able to help you find the resources you need to get started.

Our classes are designed with you in mind. If you register, talk to our librarians and instructors about any specific learning needs you have, and they can work with you. They are constantly changing their lessons to better fit your needs, so if you need help, they will try to get you what you need.

Our classes always have:

  • Some sort of handout or online resource you can refer back to
  • Learning/Instruction time
    • Some classes are more lecture-based, and some are more hands-on. It just depends on the topic.
  • Time for questions and answers
  • Time to work or try it out on your own with support
  • No shame. You’re here to learn, and if you don’t know something, say it. We don’t allow you to be looked down on for a lack of knowledge. We’re here to help you learn it.

Ways to learn:

  • On your own
    • In an individual room
    • In the computer lab
    • At one of our many tables
  • In a class
  • In a group room
    • As long as they’re space, certain group rooms are open for everyone working on anything
  • In an interest meeting
    • Various interest meetings happen that are open to the public. Check out our calendar for their meeting times.


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