
Our staff want to help you learn, explore, and grow. They don’t know everything, but they are equipped with the knowledge to help you find what you’re looking for.

Need a book? Need information for a class? Need to learn how to create a resume? Need to learn how to read music? Need to learn how to quilt?

Our staff can help you answer those questions. They connect you to the physical and digital resources you need to succeed.

No inquiry is too small or not important enough. You and what you need are our focus.

You can “reserve a librarian” once a week for half an hour, or you can stop by any day, and as long as someone is available, they will be able to help you.

Trust us, you aren’t bothering them.

Are they working with someone else? Check in at our help station at the reference desk, grab a recyclable ticket, and continue working if you can until someone becomes available to help you.

Our Adult Services librarians rotate shifts. There is one librarian out at the Reference Desk who is ready to answer your questions. The other is in the back preparing programs.

Our Children’s Services librarians rotate shifts as well. There is one librarian out at their desk in the Storytime Theatre area who is ready to answer your questions. The other is in the back preparing wonderful programs and storytimes.

Our Adult and Youth Services Assistants rotate between the back and the floor, but you can mostly find them checking in on our meeting rooms or roving the stacks to make sure no one’s stuck on a project.

Our Computer Assistants are always stationed in the computer lab. They can help you with most computer inquiries, but check in with our programs or librarians to learn specific skills like:

  • Learning how to use a computer
  • Learning how to use email
  • Scanning documents
  • Creating a resume
  • Writing a cover letter
  • Using Microsoft products
  • Using Adobe Photoshop
  • Creating business materials
  • And more!

Our branch staff includes:

  • One FT Manager
  • Four FT Librarians
  • One FT Circulation Supervisor
  • One FT Computer Supervisor
  • Two FT Circulation Assistants
  • Two PT Circulation Assistants
  • Two FT Computer Librarians
    • These librarians are computer experts, who set up and design programs specific to computer skills.
  • Two PT Computer Assistants
  • Two PT Adult Services Assistants
  • Two PT Youth Services Assistants
  • Three PT Pages

All of our support services are hosted through the main Library Services Center, which is downtown.

LKPL Staff Organization Chart.jpg

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